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Conservation Meeting Minutes 7/11/02
Conservation Commission
July 11, 2002

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Katherine Roth, Mike Cook and Janet Dunlap were the members present.  Peter Holden arrived at 7:55 p.m.

Mary Tobin, candidate for SCC membership was in the audience.

7:45 p.m., Discussion of possible land purchase agreements:
Two unbuildable lots within King Philip's Rock.
                       Property at the end of the cul de sac off Manor Lane
                        which has been under appeal (ZBA) for awhile due to wetland setbacks.

Peg discussed with the Commission the two unbuildable land parcels totaling 7,500 sq. ft., within King Philip's Rock. The owner is interested in selling the lots for $7,000.00.  The property doesn't have access, is without frontage, and wetland setbacks go up through it. The Commission expressed interest in these parcels and recommended meeting again with the property owner for the opportunity to discuss the option of donating the property.
Peg informed the Commission that on July 25, she and Greg would meet with the property owner of the parcel off Manor Lane for further discussion.  

 8:05 p.m., Signatures:
The Commission signed:
Determination of Applicability. Fillion, 71 East Street.
Order of Conditions. A.G.A. 2 Lou Stubbs Lane.  DEP# SE
8:10 p.m., Discuss the proposed reconfiguration of Ames/Cottage Street Intersection:

Peg read aloud to the Commission the memo submitted by Peter O'Cain, Assistant Engineer, regarding the Ames/Cottage Street intersection reconfiguration and proposed construction of sidewalk on Ames Street.  Peter explained in the memo that this work is necessary in order to create a safe sidewalk and handicap ramp for pedestrians. The sidewalk is a walkway to the Walter Griffin Playground and would be constructed of asphalt with granite curbing.  Greg mentioned that the work at the intersection has already started. The Commission reviewed the proposed Plan to extend the existing sidewalk 60', and concurred to draft a letter to Peter O'Cain stating conditions that the Commission requires for the proposed project.
Mike made a motion to grant access based on the Plan submitted with the condition that all impervious
areas would not change without the Commission's approval.  Katherine seconded.  Voted.  Unanimous.

8:20 p.m., Chris Callan, 269 Mansfield Street.  Proposed driveway within the 100' Buffer.

The property owners, Chris and Linda Callan appeared before the Commission.  Chris explained that the proposed plan is to build a garage/workshop.  The construction of the building is outside of the 100' Buffer; however, the proposed gravel driveway to access the building is within the 100' Buffer.  The driveway is approximately 10' wide and is located 20' from the house.  Clearing of trees would not be necessary in order to construct the driveway, as the encroachment in the Buffer is in the lawn area.  Chris proposes to strip the loam and install suitable gravel for the driveway.
Peg called for a motion to close the Hearing.  Mike moved.  Katherine seconded.  Voted.  Unanimous.

Peg called for a motion to issue a Negative Determination for the work encroaching on the Buffer with the following condition: To construct a silt fence site on the driveway to the northern property boundary at the tree line. The silt fence would remain in place until the vegetation is restored.
Mike moved. Peter seconded.  Voted.  Unanimous.

Page 2 SCC 7/11/02 Minutes

8:25 p.m., Discussion of the High Pressure District Water Tank Issue:

The Commission discussed a proposed alternative site to that on Mountain Street for the new water tank.  
The proposed tank would be on the backside of the view of the vista as you reach Rattlesnake Hill.  Greg stated that our legislators have not pushed that issue in terms of including the allowance for the tank in the legislation.  Their goal is to first protect the Rattlesnake Hill property and then after the property is protected, they may be able to discuss that issue.
Greg mentioned that he identified a possible alternative site for the water tank; 6,000 sq. ft. of Conservation Area off of Dogwood Street. The elevation there is 30-35' lower than the 380' elevation at the existing site.
Peg suggested that the Commission should work with the relocation of the tank.
The Commission concurred to send an official memo to Eric Hooper stating:
" At its meeting of July 11th, the Commission discussed the alternative location of the High Pressure Water Tank on Conservation Property as outlined on the enclosed map and are supportive of the location off Dogwood Street, or present us with an alternative site.  We would be happy to discuss any further concerns that you may have about this at anytime. Hopefully, this would not interfere with the process to purchase the Rattlesnake Hill Property."

8:45 p.m., Approve past meeting minutes:

Peg called for a motion to accept the June 20th Meeting minutes as amended as follows:
With the insertion of the time Peter Holden arrived after the first paragraph on page 1 under the heading, 7:45 p.m., N.O.I. 253 Mountain Street.  
Janet moved. Peter seconded. Voted. 3-0-2.

9:00 p.m. Submittal of 40B Application:

Greg informed the Commission that the application for the 40B (Rattlesnake Hill) was submitted on July 10, 2002.  It has been officially filed with the Zoning Board.

9:15 p.m.: Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.  Janet moved.  Peter seconded. Voted.  Unanimous.